Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reaching People--Love Your Neighbor

In developing a personal strategy for reaching people for Christ, where do you start? In every direction you look there are people far away from God and in desperate need of the Savior. The task can seem overwhelming.

May I suggest a good place for all of us to start? We all have networks of neighbors and friends that include people who do not know the Lord. Identify one or two within your networks. Work on developing a deeper and more meaningful friendship. Have them into your home. Take them out to eat or to other activities. Demonstrate true care for them as an individual. In the course of your relationship with them, look for opportunities to share your story of God's grace in you life. Evangelism is not just an event, it is a process of influencing people with the Gospel.

Who do you know who needs to know Jesus? Start to pray for them daily. Take the initiative in being a better neighbor and friend. Look for the open doors and opportune times to share with them your faith.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day of Prayer for Spiritual Awakening in our Land

On Sunday July 4, we will join with thousands of other churches and Christians across America in a special time of prayer for spiritual awakening in our nation. The call to fall on our knees and cry out to God is a biblical call, "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:17.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letter from Mercedes

Mercedes sent the a letter from Spain to the church along with a picture of her mission team and another with her parents. Copies of the letter will be available Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.

Another Word on Great Commission Regurgence Report

Roxy ask me a couple of questions about the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force by e-mail. As I responded to her, I thought I need to share those answers with everyone. The final GCRTF report has not been published yet. There was a change of wording in recommendation 4 make at the Convention meeting. I am sure that the final wording will be published soon and when it is I will let you know the location.

The GCR report passed by a 75% majority. However, while it was a historic vote in refocusing the SBC, it is important to note that it does not have binding authority. It expresses the sense of the Convention. The Trustees of the different SBC boards and agencies will decide whether and how the recommendations of the report will be implemented. We will find that out from the reports of the Trustee meetings of the different entities over this next year.



I believe it is so important to say thank you to those God uses to bless and enrich our lives. This morning as I was praying of Justin, my heart overflowed with thanksgiving for him. I know that I express the appreciation of the entire church family for his deep devotion to Jesus, his great musical gifts, his love of people and the church, and for his heart to ministry.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Contact Information

If you have an emergency, special need, or question feel free to contact me at my home phone 951-845-9561 or my home e-mail drdunavant@hotmail.com.

Don Dunavant

SBC News--Great Commission Resurgence Report

On June 15, the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention voted overwhelmingly to adopt the recommendation of the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force. It was a historic vote to focus the resources and agencies of the SBC on reaching the great pockets of lostness across the nation and around the world. You can read the GCR Task Force report at www.pray4gcr.com/reports/penetrating-the-lostness

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reaching People

The most pressing question for the church is how to reach the community with the Gospel. How can the church become effective in evangelism? Should we expect to see people coming to Christ on a regular basis?

Over the next several weeks I want to explore with you how we can develop a church strategy and how each one of us can develop a personal strategy to reach people. But, the place we must start is with understanding our context.

Our Field

In 2008 the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention did a consultation report for the church. The report highlights the demographics of the church field. Two looks at the people around us help us see that the fields are white unto harvest in any direction we look.

In a one mile radius ring from the church live 11,866 people. Of these 9.6% are from birth to 9 years old; 10.4% are teenagers; 19.1% are young adults between 20 and 34 years old; and 33.5% are medium adults 35 to 44 years old.

Within three miles of the church in any direction live 43,988 people. Of these 11% are children; 11.1% are teenagers; 20.5% are young adults; and 28.6% are medium adults.

These are not just statistics. The vast majority are people, precious people, who need a saving relationship with Jesus. If we don't reach them with the Good News who will?

The Challenges

The lost and unchurched of Palm Springs are not unique. They share the characteristics of non-Christians across America.
  • They live further aways from God than ever before.
  • They have less knowledge of the Gospel than ever before.
  • They have less contact with a church or with a Christian than ever before.
  • The majority still say they believe in God, but their concept of God is not the God of the Bible, the God of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus.
  • They are highly resistant to strangers knocking on their doors and invading their personal space.

This is just a brief glimpse of the people that are our field. The question we must ask and the answer we must find is how do we reach many of them. Join me in the weeks ahead as we look for real answers.

Don Dunavant

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pray for Mercedes Vasquez

Mercedes joins seven others from CBU on an ISP (International Service Project) mission trip to Spain on July 16. For three weeks the team will be working with youth and university students in Madrid. Following the mission portion of the trip, Mercedes will travel to her home in Barcelona to visit with her family for several weeks.
A good way to pray for her and the mission team is Colossians 4:2-4, "Continue steadfast in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ . . . that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak."