Tuesday, August 31, 2010


May you be pleased
With the offering I give;
My body on the altar
Unto you I will live;
May I remember
I am not my own;
Bought with a price
To you I belong;
May you be glorified
In all that I do;
This is the offering
I give to you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

In Your Word

In Your Word
You make Yourself known;
In Your Word
Your grandeur is shown;
In Your Word
Your glory I behold;
Oh, Your Word
More precious than gold!

California Mission Offering--Know the Facts

Our goal for the California Mission Offering this year is $1,500. Here are some fact on the work of California Southern Baptist:

CSBC Churches/Missions 2,119
Anglo 738
African-American 418
Hispanic 319
Korean 202
Chinese 71
Other Ethnic 371
New Congregations in 2009 102
Total Church Baptisms in 2009 12,844
10-Year Baptism Total 162,032
Total Membership Approximately 500,000
Languages Preached/Distinct Ethnic Groups Reached Weekly 77
Percent of CMO used for California Missions 100%
CSBC Missionaries/Ministry Resource Center Staff 112
Associations 31
Schools 1 – California Baptist University
Foundations 1 – California Baptist Foundation
Christian Camps 1 – Jenness Park
Professions of Faith at Jenness Park in 2009 317
Number of Baptist Community Centers 2 – Page Street, San Francisco; Telegraph, Oakland
Disaster Relief Units 27, including 6 mobile kitchens, 1 child-care unit, 2 shower units, 1 medical unit, 1 dental unit and 2 clean-up units
Trained Disaster Relief Workers 3,000+
Ministry Evangelism – Meals Served in 2009 3,122,402
Ministry Evangelism – Professions of Faith in 2009 23, 084
Ministry Evangelism – Baptisms in 2009 5,472
Number of Christian Women's Job Corps Sites 3 – Fresno (2), El Monte
Number of Partnership Mission Endeavors 4 – Georgia, Panama, Russia, Ukraine
CSBC Budget for 2010 $11,607,958
Cooperative Program Objective for 2010 $7,520,000
Percentage for World Missions 30%
10-Year Cooperative Program Total $75.6 million
Cooperative Program Gifts in 2009 $7,268,771
2010 CMO Goal $450,000
CMO Gifts in 2009 $341,145
Largest CMO Total (2005) $516,392
10-Year CMO Total $3.73 million
California Population 38 million
California's Unchurched Population 33 million

Are You on Mission?

This past Sunday as we looked at the faith of Abraham, we saw the big picture of God's purpose. He calls us to be on mission, His mission in this world--making Jesus known in the world by our words of witness and our acts of compassion.

It is so easy for us to be caught up in the daily grind of life, occupied with what's happening to us today, that we live with blinders on. But, every day and every place we are, we are called to be on mission with God. That means our lives are about much more than the daily grind. We are to be involved in something much greater than us. We are to be involved in something that is eternal in its dimensions. We are to be involved in something that gives more significance to our lives, our daily lives than any thing else possibly can. Are you living life with an overwhelming sense of God's purpose? Are you on mission?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


One of the New Testament pictures of the church is a family of believers. Family expresses the idea of the close and intimate relationship we have with one another in the Lord Jesus. It speaks of love, care, and involvement in one another's life. It means being there for fellow family members in times of need. It means weeping with those who weep and laughing with those who laugh. It means correcting at times, forgiving quickly, and being accepting of one another all the time. Family is not just a metaphor of what we ought to be, it is a discription of what God calls us to be. One of the things I am so thankful about FSBC Palm Springs is that you are a family.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Early in the morning
Betix dark and light,
It is to Your Word,
That I take my flight,
Your greatness and glory
Come clearly into sight,
And it is in You
My soul finds delight.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Reaching People: Recognizing Points of Contacts

To reach people with the Gospel and gather people into the church family, the church as a whole and each individual member must develop eyes to see the natural points of contact we have with people. Where do we in our daily lives cross paths with people on a regular basis? How can we be proactive in displaying an interest in them and taking the first step in getting to know them? Are there any ways in the course to daily life to serve or bless them?

Jesus said we need only to lift up our eyes because the fields are white to harvest.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Dedication

This Sunday we will have a Baby Dedication. What a joy it will be for the church family to join Eddie and Heather in dedicating little Isaiah to the Lord. It is impossible to overstate the great responsibilityparents have in raising their children as unto the Lord and the powerful influence godly parents have in shaping the life and future of their little ones. But, there is another important area we will highlight in the dedication service. It is the responsibility of the church family to provide support, encouragement, and ministries of spiritual help to parents and children. Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Request from the Pastor Search Committee

The Pastor Seach Committee has asked for the sense of the church to help them in their search for a pastor. The question they have asked is if the church is open to a bi-vocational pastor. If so, how much would a pastor be allowed to work outside the church? How should his time be allocated (church, work, personal)? How much time is essential to be available to the church? The Search Committee has asked the church to pray and then on Wednesday evening, August 11, we will discuss the question to gain a sense of the church. Please pray. Please be present on August 11.