Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Preciousness of People

Wendesday evening in the study of the book of James we talked about the the preciousness of people. I don't know how to express that truth better than the following poem written by my 13 year-old grand daughter Meredith who lives in Egypt.

Her Brown Eyes

She approaches you with a welcoming smile
a warm heart
casual looks just like anyone else
she seems pleasant
some one you would want to get to know
you sit down with her
and suddenly her eyes meet yours
it melts your heart at this awe full sight
her eyes are beautiful and charming
loving in so many ways
they sparkle and show potential
but at the same time
these eyes are lost
ones that have had it all taken away
these eyes search for hope
these eyes search for grace
these eyes are consumed by the flesh
her big brown eyes are dark
her big brown eyes search you
to see if you are what she is looking for
“will you show me love?”
“will you give me hope?”
you stare into her eyes not knowing how to respond
for if you reach out your hand to help
you could risk your life
for if you tell her of God's love
there is a possibility for no tomorrow
you turn head but something draws you back towards them
God whispers to you
“This is what I have commanded you to do.”
“This is what I long for, this is what I desire.”
“For I will save this city
this country
and they will serve me forever more!
So go
for this is my mission in progress.
I love these people
they are my children.”
once more I lift my head up to see her eyes
her big brown eyes
that need the Lord.

Meredith Dunavant

1 comment:

  1. This is so beautiful and such a wonderful expression of God's great love for lost mankind. Praise God for those like you, Meredith, who dare to reach out in His name to the world. God bless you!
    Barbara Keylon
