Friday, May 6, 2011


Mother's Day is one of my favorite holidays because it honors those I love and am thankful for the most.
My mother gave to me and my siblings the greatest gifts: unconditional love, the example of love for Jesus, and the Gospel.  She was deeply involved in our church and taught us not only to love the church but to be a part of ministry.  She prayed with us and for us.  She sacrificed so we could have the little extras.  She disciplined but always in love.  On Mother's Day I am reminded of how blessed I have been to have my mother.

The mother of my children gave to them those things that are the foundations of a life lived unto the Lord.  As I watched her invest her life in her children: reading to them for hours and teaching them early to love Jesus; playing with them; always ready to listen to them; and living as a godly role model; on Mother's Day I am reminded how blessed my children are to have her as their mother.


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