Friday, July 9, 2010

Have I ... today?

Here are some questions that are good to ask ourselves every day.

1. Have I read the Bible today?
2. Have I contemplated on the greatness and goodness of God and given His thanks for something today?
3. Have I interceded in prayer for someone within the church family today?
4. Have I prayed for a non-Christian friend today?
5. Have I spoken a word of or written a note or e-mail of encouragement to someone today.
6. Have I looked for an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone today?
7. Have I faced my sins honestly and confessed them in repentance today?
8. Have I praised God for some aspect of His glorious character today?
9. Have I been more concerned with receiving a blessing than being a blessing to others today?
10. Have I delighted in God today?

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