Friday, December 3, 2010


Why must we go
Where the light has not shone?
Why must we go
Where His love is not known?
Why must we go
The Gospel to proclaim?
Why must we go?
So they may believe on His name!

Why must we pray
For those lost in sin?
Why must we pray
The Lord of the Harvest to send?
Why must we pray
For laborers far away?
Why must we pray?
Because Jesus is the only way!

Why must we give
With sacrifice and great cost?
Why must we give
To take the message to the lost?
Why must we give
So that some might be won?
Why must we give?
Because God gave His only Son!

Why must we send
People to go out to every place?
Why must we send
To reach every tongue, tribe, and race?
Why must we send
People out to tell His Story?
Why must we send?
We do it all for His Glory!


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