Thursday, January 6, 2011

Voting and Church Business

We as Baptist believe in the congregational form of church government. No one tells a local Baptist church what to do. Each church by congregational vote makes its own decisions. Congregationalism is based on the "priesthood of the believer" the biblical truth that each one of us has direct access to God.

But, it is important to understand what the priesthood of the believer and thus the congregational form of church government really means. It does not mean that each is free to vote according to their individual preferences or opinions. It does not simply mean that the majority rules. We believe that Jesus is Lord and the only Head of the church. As believer priest we vote out of a deep conviction of the Lord's leading. When you vote on church business, what you are saying to the rest of the church that you have spent much time seeking the Lord through the Word and prayer to find wisdom and discernment in His will. And you are saying that your vote is an expression of your conviction of what you believe with all of your heart to be the will of God for your church.


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