Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seams of Friendship

All of us have seams of friendships--people we work with, people in our neighborhood, people we meet in areas of special activities, and people we regularly do business with.  We see them often, exchange greetings, and enjoy conversations together.  Those seams of friendship and natural ways to show the love of Jesus, share your story of grace, and help people understand their spiritual need.  Be a real friend and let them see Jesus in you and hear about Jesus from you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Washed Any Feet Lately?

It was the most powerful of sittings. The night before the crucifixion. The upper room. The seder meal that Jesus transforms into the memorial meal, the Lord's Supper. The disciples around the table.  Astonishing...the Lord of God takes a bowl and towel and goes around the table as a servant washing the feet of the disciples.  And then a lesson. "If I am your Lord and Master and I wash your feet, then you ought to wash one another's feet."

Have you washed anyone's feet lately. Washed with forgiveness someone who humanly speaking didn't deserve it?  Washed with grace someone who has been ungracious to you? Washed with love someone who is unloving or unlovely? Washed with the Gospel someone who's life is so stained with sin?


Monday, April 11, 2011

The Fellowship of the Church

The Bible speaks often of the fellowship of the church.  It is more than just getting together socially.  When the Word speaks about fellowship it talks about the fact that we are one in Christ and that we share life together in Him.  We pray for one another.  We bear one another's burdens.  We encourage one another.  We complement one another as we use our spiritual gifts in the ministries of the church.  Fellowship means that we need one another.  None of us can go it alone.

But fellowship also means that we enjoy one another.  I hope you will be a part of the pot-luck dinner this Saturday evening at 5:30.  It will be a time to refresh ourselves in the love of the saints.  Also, David and Emily Rimstead will be our special guest and will update us on their ministry on the UCR campus.