Monday, April 11, 2011

The Fellowship of the Church

The Bible speaks often of the fellowship of the church.  It is more than just getting together socially.  When the Word speaks about fellowship it talks about the fact that we are one in Christ and that we share life together in Him.  We pray for one another.  We bear one another's burdens.  We encourage one another.  We complement one another as we use our spiritual gifts in the ministries of the church.  Fellowship means that we need one another.  None of us can go it alone.

But fellowship also means that we enjoy one another.  I hope you will be a part of the pot-luck dinner this Saturday evening at 5:30.  It will be a time to refresh ourselves in the love of the saints.  Also, David and Emily Rimstead will be our special guest and will update us on their ministry on the UCR campus.

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