Wednesday, December 29, 2010


This Sunday morning we will be celebrating the ordiance of the Lord's Supper. In preparation we will be looking at "The Joy of Jesus" from Hebrews 12:2. The Lord's Supper is a time of reflection, worship, and challenge to take the gospel to everyone.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


With a prospective pastor coming in view of a call in a couple of weeks, this Sunday we are going to look at what the Bible says about the pastor from Acts 20:17 and following. Are you praying daily, seeking God's will?

Christmas Eve Service Canceled

Due to storms and street closings the Christmas Eve service is canceled. Have a wonderful and a wonder-filled Christmas.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Congradulations Justin and Mercedes Howard!

Our hearts rejoice with you for God's wonderful gift of marriage. Our prayers are with you as you start your life together.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Wednesday evening December 22 we will have a Christmas Eve Service at 6:30 in the Worship Center. This will be a wonderful time of worship and a wonderful time to invite others to join us in celebrating "Immanuel" God with us.
Candle's light
Shining bright,
God's great love
In sin's dark night.
Candle's light
Lit in a manger low,
Heaven's message
To set aglow.
Candle's light
The Savior's birth,
Beaming hope
To all the earth.
Candle's light
Jesus is here!
Lighting the way
For all to draw near.
Candle's light
Ignite the flame,
Salvation for all
Who call on His name.
Candle's light
Together we glow,
The gift of God
For all to know.

Friday, December 3, 2010


Why must we go
Where the light has not shone?
Why must we go
Where His love is not known?
Why must we go
The Gospel to proclaim?
Why must we go?
So they may believe on His name!

Why must we pray
For those lost in sin?
Why must we pray
The Lord of the Harvest to send?
Why must we pray
For laborers far away?
Why must we pray?
Because Jesus is the only way!

Why must we give
With sacrifice and great cost?
Why must we give
To take the message to the lost?
Why must we give
So that some might be won?
Why must we give?
Because God gave His only Son!

Why must we send
People to go out to every place?
Why must we send
To reach every tongue, tribe, and race?
Why must we send
People out to tell His Story?
Why must we send?
We do it all for His Glory!


Monday, November 15, 2010

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Last Wednesday evening the Pastor Search Committee announced to the church that they had met with a man with whom they had been talking. They have invited him to come in view of a call as pastor on the weekend of January 14-16, 2011. On Saturday the 15 there will be a dinner for a time of fellowship and a Q & A time. He will preach on Sunday January 16 in view of a call and the church will vote at the end of the service. You will want to be much in prayer for this man and the church as everyone seeks the will of God.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


This week I received word of a dear friend whose wife is at the point of death. As I prayed for him these words welled up in my heart. We are not those who sorrow and have no hope, but in our sorrow we have a strong hope and a strong comfort.

When the shadows are heavy
When the way is steep,
When my heart is aching
When I cry our and weep,
You are my strong comfort
Your presence is always sure,
And In Your strong hands
Your child is always secure.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Scenes

More Sunday Scenes

Thank You

Thank you for your kind thoughtfulness. It is such a wonderful joy to be a part of a loving and encouraging church family.


Sunday, October 10, 2010


All day my heart has been thankful for the worship service this Lord's Day as we gathered at the Lord's Table. The Gospel is the heart of saving faith and living faith. May God help us to ever be centered on the Gospel in our worship, our since of mission, our praying, and our daily living. Early Sunday morning in my devotional time, thinking about the coming worship time together I penned these words.


Behold the Father
Unspeakable grace,
Sending the Son
To die in our place,
Behold the Son
Suffer our anguish,
The sting of sin
Ever vanquish,
Behold the Spirit
Salvation apply,
Coming in power
To make us alive,
Behold our God
Blessed Trinity
The victory won.

Friday, October 8, 2010


This past Wednesday evening we finihed our verse by verse study of the book of James. This Wednesday (Oct. 13) we are going to start a new study through the book of Exodus. Exodus tells the exciting story of God's redemption of Israel from the bondage in Egypt. In it we clearly see the roots and development of the Gospel in the Old Testament. Join us at 6:00 each Wednesday for the ministry of the Word and the ministry of prayer.

Thursday, September 30, 2010



When my soul is burdend and weary
From circumstances bleak and dreary,
When by doubts I feel oppressed
And my faith is put to the test,
These trails I do not just endure
In Your Providence I am secure,
And my soul finds its resting place
At the throne of Your great grace,
And my hope stands firm in this
You unchanging faithfulness,
Your promises are ever true
And Your mercies each day new.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


As of this past Sunday the total given to the California Mission Offering is $811.26. Thank you for giving to help share the Gospel with people through out the state.


Oh what a marvel
When God became man,
The great unfolding
Of redemption's plan,
Stepping off the throne
Of regal sovereingty,
Birthed in the barn
As Incarnate Deity,
The Suffering Servant
You humbly became,
Obedient to the Cross
Bearing all our shame,
Rising on the third day
Victory is complete,
Sin, death, and Hell
You forever defeat.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Whatever ills I might face
The Lord is my dwelling place,
When troubles threaten distress
He is my Rock and Fortress,
When temptations seek to devour
His name is my Strong Tower,
When sorrows bring their sting
I am sheltered under His Wings,
When stroms thunder their fright
To His Refuge I make my flight,
When Satan my soul would injure,
In His Hands I am held secure,
Fear not whatever comes my way
He is my Present Help from day to day.

Monday, September 20, 2010


Fret not my heart
Nor fearful be,
Burdened down
With deep anxiety,
The one who spoke
And winds must cease,
The waves stand still
Is the Lord my peace,
In His hands
I securely dwell,
In His presence
All is well.

Monday, September 13, 2010

LIGHT and a Morning of Musical Worship

On Sunday morning September 26, LIGHT a small musical group from the Fern and Shelby Collingsworth School of Music at CBU will be our special guests. They will lead us in a morning of musical worship and praise. What a great time to invite friends and family to join us!


Oh what joy
Just to draw near,
From Your Word
Your voice to hear,
To guide my steps
In Your will today,
To guard my heart
Lest I should stray,
To renew my mind
With wisdom from above,
To rejoice my soul
With Your steadfast love.

Monday, September 6, 2010

OUR GOAL: $1,500.00

Friday, September 3, 2010


Give me a heart
For a world that is lost;
Cause me to give
Whatever the cost;
Gifts of money
Fervency in prayer;
Willingness to go
Both here and there;
Make my heart ache
For those far away;
So any price
I will gladly pay;
And the Gospel message
I passionately proclaim;
So all may hear
The only saving Name.

California Mission Offering--Our Goal $1,500.00

Thursday, September 2, 2010


Make me a servant
In intercessory prayer;
Others their burdens
To help them bear;
Friend with a need
Missionary far away;
Neighbor without you
Child gone astray;
Widow who is lonely
One struggling with sin;
One hurting in body
One hurting within;
Let my heart cry
For each in their place;
As I come to the Throne
Of your mercy and grace.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Awake my heart
On wings of praise;
To the King of Glory
Let my eyes raise;
Honor and blessing
To Him belong;
Mind's mediatation
Soul's glad song;
That more of Him
And less of me;
Others in my life
Today will see.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


May you be pleased
With the offering I give;
My body on the altar
Unto you I will live;
May I remember
I am not my own;
Bought with a price
To you I belong;
May you be glorified
In all that I do;
This is the offering
I give to you.

Monday, August 30, 2010

In Your Word

In Your Word
You make Yourself known;
In Your Word
Your grandeur is shown;
In Your Word
Your glory I behold;
Oh, Your Word
More precious than gold!

California Mission Offering--Know the Facts

Our goal for the California Mission Offering this year is $1,500. Here are some fact on the work of California Southern Baptist:

CSBC Churches/Missions 2,119
Anglo 738
African-American 418
Hispanic 319
Korean 202
Chinese 71
Other Ethnic 371
New Congregations in 2009 102
Total Church Baptisms in 2009 12,844
10-Year Baptism Total 162,032
Total Membership Approximately 500,000
Languages Preached/Distinct Ethnic Groups Reached Weekly 77
Percent of CMO used for California Missions 100%
CSBC Missionaries/Ministry Resource Center Staff 112
Associations 31
Schools 1 – California Baptist University
Foundations 1 – California Baptist Foundation
Christian Camps 1 – Jenness Park
Professions of Faith at Jenness Park in 2009 317
Number of Baptist Community Centers 2 – Page Street, San Francisco; Telegraph, Oakland
Disaster Relief Units 27, including 6 mobile kitchens, 1 child-care unit, 2 shower units, 1 medical unit, 1 dental unit and 2 clean-up units
Trained Disaster Relief Workers 3,000+
Ministry Evangelism – Meals Served in 2009 3,122,402
Ministry Evangelism – Professions of Faith in 2009 23, 084
Ministry Evangelism – Baptisms in 2009 5,472
Number of Christian Women's Job Corps Sites 3 – Fresno (2), El Monte
Number of Partnership Mission Endeavors 4 – Georgia, Panama, Russia, Ukraine
CSBC Budget for 2010 $11,607,958
Cooperative Program Objective for 2010 $7,520,000
Percentage for World Missions 30%
10-Year Cooperative Program Total $75.6 million
Cooperative Program Gifts in 2009 $7,268,771
2010 CMO Goal $450,000
CMO Gifts in 2009 $341,145
Largest CMO Total (2005) $516,392
10-Year CMO Total $3.73 million
California Population 38 million
California's Unchurched Population 33 million

Are You on Mission?

This past Sunday as we looked at the faith of Abraham, we saw the big picture of God's purpose. He calls us to be on mission, His mission in this world--making Jesus known in the world by our words of witness and our acts of compassion.

It is so easy for us to be caught up in the daily grind of life, occupied with what's happening to us today, that we live with blinders on. But, every day and every place we are, we are called to be on mission with God. That means our lives are about much more than the daily grind. We are to be involved in something much greater than us. We are to be involved in something that is eternal in its dimensions. We are to be involved in something that gives more significance to our lives, our daily lives than any thing else possibly can. Are you living life with an overwhelming sense of God's purpose? Are you on mission?

Thursday, August 26, 2010


One of the New Testament pictures of the church is a family of believers. Family expresses the idea of the close and intimate relationship we have with one another in the Lord Jesus. It speaks of love, care, and involvement in one another's life. It means being there for fellow family members in times of need. It means weeping with those who weep and laughing with those who laugh. It means correcting at times, forgiving quickly, and being accepting of one another all the time. Family is not just a metaphor of what we ought to be, it is a discription of what God calls us to be. One of the things I am so thankful about FSBC Palm Springs is that you are a family.

Monday, August 23, 2010


Early in the morning
Betix dark and light,
It is to Your Word,
That I take my flight,
Your greatness and glory
Come clearly into sight,
And it is in You
My soul finds delight.


Monday, August 16, 2010

Reaching People: Recognizing Points of Contacts

To reach people with the Gospel and gather people into the church family, the church as a whole and each individual member must develop eyes to see the natural points of contact we have with people. Where do we in our daily lives cross paths with people on a regular basis? How can we be proactive in displaying an interest in them and taking the first step in getting to know them? Are there any ways in the course to daily life to serve or bless them?

Jesus said we need only to lift up our eyes because the fields are white to harvest.


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Baby Dedication

This Sunday we will have a Baby Dedication. What a joy it will be for the church family to join Eddie and Heather in dedicating little Isaiah to the Lord. It is impossible to overstate the great responsibilityparents have in raising their children as unto the Lord and the powerful influence godly parents have in shaping the life and future of their little ones. But, there is another important area we will highlight in the dedication service. It is the responsibility of the church family to provide support, encouragement, and ministries of spiritual help to parents and children. Psalm 127:3 says, "Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward."

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Request from the Pastor Search Committee

The Pastor Seach Committee has asked for the sense of the church to help them in their search for a pastor. The question they have asked is if the church is open to a bi-vocational pastor. If so, how much would a pastor be allowed to work outside the church? How should his time be allocated (church, work, personal)? How much time is essential to be available to the church? The Search Committee has asked the church to pray and then on Wednesday evening, August 11, we will discuss the question to gain a sense of the church. Please pray. Please be present on August 11.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

New Series--The Exciting Life of Faith

This past Sunday we finished our series of studies through the book of Titus. This next Sunday we will start a series of message through Hebrews 11--the great faith chapter. I would encourage you read Hebrews 11 several times this week in your personal devotional times. Then week by week it will deepen our study together if you read the Old Testament passages behind the examples of "The Exciting Life of Faith."

A Special Joy

It was a special joy to have Pastor Patrick and Mindy join us for worship this past Sunday. Aren't you thankful for those through whom God blesses and enriches your life?

Friday, July 23, 2010

Just A Thought on Love

We should love God for God's sake--because of who He is and because He is worthy of the supreme love of our hearts, minds, soul, and strength.

We should love others for God's sake--because people are made in His image, because He commands us to love our neighbors, and because we are to reflect His love in the world.

Business Meeting, Wednesday July 28

The monthly Business Meeting was postponed one week because of our special guests, David and Emily Rimstead. Our hearts were moved and challenged as they shared their new work on UCR with Christian Challenge.

Business Meeting will be this Wednesday, July 28.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

David and Emily Rimstead Our Guest Wednesday, July 21

David and Emily Rimstead will be our guest Wednesday evening to share their new work with Christian Challenge on the campus of UCR. David graduate this past May from the BAT program at CBU and Emily is still a student at CBU. This is an important work and I pray that the church will support them as well as other individuals who feel so led.

As You Pray

As you pray daily, pray faithfully for the Pastor Seach Committee. The church has entrusted them with a great responsibility in seeking and recommending to the church a pastor. Pray that God will give them wisdom and discernment in His will for this body of believers.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Reaching People--How I Share the Gospel

To reach people who are far away from God, we must share the Gospel with them. Yet, so many Christians are either intimidated about sharing the Gospel or are not sure how to. So, I want to share with you how I share the Gospel.

Over the years I have been through so many evangelism training courses and exposed to tens and tens of ways to witness. However, I find myself coming back to share the Gospel around four passages in the book of Romans. To be sure I use other Bible passages, but these four are the outline that I use.

Romans 3:23, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." This verse allows me to start with the glory of God. I talk about God as Creator of all that there is and the fact that all things were made by and for Him. God created man in His image. The greatness of God means that we were made to love Him supremely, worship Him only, obey Him gladly, and serve Him faithfully. Then this verse allows me to go straight to the heart on man's terminal problem, sin. Sin is our rebellion against God and refusal to love Him supremely. Sin is man making himself his own "god" and thus leads to selfish, self-indulgent, self-centered living. And it is sin that produces the sins of ungodly living.

Romans 5:8, "But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." This verse allows me to go straight to the Cross, the only solution for man's sin problem. I can talk about the sacrificial nature of God's love and how Jesus died in my place for my sins.

Romans 6:23, "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." With this verse I stress the urgency of trusting the Gospel. The contrasts could be more dramatic--death (eternal death, separation from God now and forever) and eternal life; wages (what I deserve) and the free gift of God (grace).

Romans 10:9-10, "If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified and with the mouth one confesses and is saved." From these two verses I can help people see that they can only be saved by faith and then emphasize the content of saving faith.

This is how I feel comfortable in sharing the Gospel. It is not necessary that you do it the way I do. What is absolutely necessary is that we share the Gospel!

Monday, July 12, 2010

How Important is the Gathering of the Church?

The New Testament knows nothing of the Christian life lived in isolation. There are no "Lone Ranger" Christians. In fact, as you read the New Testament epistles, they were written primarily to churches and addressed areas of the Christan life in the context of the church. We need one another! We need one another to grow in the faith, to worship, to have accountability, and to fulfill the mission of God across the street and around the world.

That's why Hebrews 10:24-25 admonishes us to, "consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.

As you study the New Testament the answer to the question, "How important is the gathering of the church?" is clear. It is absolutely essential.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Have I ... today?

Here are some questions that are good to ask ourselves every day.

1. Have I read the Bible today?
2. Have I contemplated on the greatness and goodness of God and given His thanks for something today?
3. Have I interceded in prayer for someone within the church family today?
4. Have I prayed for a non-Christian friend today?
5. Have I spoken a word of or written a note or e-mail of encouragement to someone today.
6. Have I looked for an opportunity to share the Gospel with someone today?
7. Have I faced my sins honestly and confessed them in repentance today?
8. Have I praised God for some aspect of His glorious character today?
9. Have I been more concerned with receiving a blessing than being a blessing to others today?
10. Have I delighted in God today?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Reaching People by Blessing People

Within our network of friends and acquaintances, there are always people facing times of crisis, needs, and hurts. As we keep our eyes open, there are ways we can minister to them and help them see the greater spiritual need of their life by being a blessing to them.

Blessing People Through Prayer

We believe in the power of prayer because God has chosen to work through the believing praying of His people. However, prayer also has a great horizontal impact in our witness to people. When you know of a non-Christian friend or acquittance going through a trying time, pray for them. Pray earnestly and fervently. Pray specifically. Then write them a note or give or give them a call or stop by and see them and let them know that you have being praying for them and how you have been praying. I have never known anyone that did not appreciate praying in times of need. It opens the door to talk about your faith in God and His great power.

Blessing People Through Words of Encouragement

2 Corinthians 1:3-4 says, "Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God." When we see people in times of great need we have an encouraging word of testimony to share with them. We have been there too! And in the midst of our need our Lord came alongside of us (that what the word "comfort" means) with His grace and love to carry us through and meet every need. We have an encouraging testimony of His faithfulness, love, and intimate care for His children.

Blessing People Through Acts of Kindness

When you see people hurting, how can you serve them through acts of kindness and compassion? Taking them out for a meal? Sitting with them for a while? Offering a helping hand? The list of possibilities goes on and on. In acts of kindness we express something of the love and grace of God in tangible ways.


Thursday, July 1, 2010

The Preciousness of People

Wendesday evening in the study of the book of James we talked about the the preciousness of people. I don't know how to express that truth better than the following poem written by my 13 year-old grand daughter Meredith who lives in Egypt.

Her Brown Eyes

She approaches you with a welcoming smile
a warm heart
casual looks just like anyone else
she seems pleasant
some one you would want to get to know
you sit down with her
and suddenly her eyes meet yours
it melts your heart at this awe full sight
her eyes are beautiful and charming
loving in so many ways
they sparkle and show potential
but at the same time
these eyes are lost
ones that have had it all taken away
these eyes search for hope
these eyes search for grace
these eyes are consumed by the flesh
her big brown eyes are dark
her big brown eyes search you
to see if you are what she is looking for
“will you show me love?”
“will you give me hope?”
you stare into her eyes not knowing how to respond
for if you reach out your hand to help
you could risk your life
for if you tell her of God's love
there is a possibility for no tomorrow
you turn head but something draws you back towards them
God whispers to you
“This is what I have commanded you to do.”
“This is what I long for, this is what I desire.”
“For I will save this city
this country
and they will serve me forever more!
So go
for this is my mission in progress.
I love these people
they are my children.”
once more I lift my head up to see her eyes
her big brown eyes
that need the Lord.

Meredith Dunavant

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Reaching People--Love Your Neighbor

In developing a personal strategy for reaching people for Christ, where do you start? In every direction you look there are people far away from God and in desperate need of the Savior. The task can seem overwhelming.

May I suggest a good place for all of us to start? We all have networks of neighbors and friends that include people who do not know the Lord. Identify one or two within your networks. Work on developing a deeper and more meaningful friendship. Have them into your home. Take them out to eat or to other activities. Demonstrate true care for them as an individual. In the course of your relationship with them, look for opportunities to share your story of God's grace in you life. Evangelism is not just an event, it is a process of influencing people with the Gospel.

Who do you know who needs to know Jesus? Start to pray for them daily. Take the initiative in being a better neighbor and friend. Look for the open doors and opportune times to share with them your faith.


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day of Prayer for Spiritual Awakening in our Land

On Sunday July 4, we will join with thousands of other churches and Christians across America in a special time of prayer for spiritual awakening in our nation. The call to fall on our knees and cry out to God is a biblical call, "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land" 2 Chronicles 7:17.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Letter from Mercedes

Mercedes sent the a letter from Spain to the church along with a picture of her mission team and another with her parents. Copies of the letter will be available Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.

Another Word on Great Commission Regurgence Report

Roxy ask me a couple of questions about the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force by e-mail. As I responded to her, I thought I need to share those answers with everyone. The final GCRTF report has not been published yet. There was a change of wording in recommendation 4 make at the Convention meeting. I am sure that the final wording will be published soon and when it is I will let you know the location.

The GCR report passed by a 75% majority. However, while it was a historic vote in refocusing the SBC, it is important to note that it does not have binding authority. It expresses the sense of the Convention. The Trustees of the different SBC boards and agencies will decide whether and how the recommendations of the report will be implemented. We will find that out from the reports of the Trustee meetings of the different entities over this next year.



I believe it is so important to say thank you to those God uses to bless and enrich our lives. This morning as I was praying of Justin, my heart overflowed with thanksgiving for him. I know that I express the appreciation of the entire church family for his deep devotion to Jesus, his great musical gifts, his love of people and the church, and for his heart to ministry.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Contact Information

If you have an emergency, special need, or question feel free to contact me at my home phone 951-845-9561 or my home e-mail

Don Dunavant

SBC News--Great Commission Resurgence Report

On June 15, the meeting of the Southern Baptist Convention voted overwhelmingly to adopt the recommendation of the Great Commission Resurgence Task Force. It was a historic vote to focus the resources and agencies of the SBC on reaching the great pockets of lostness across the nation and around the world. You can read the GCR Task Force report at

Monday, June 14, 2010

Reaching People

The most pressing question for the church is how to reach the community with the Gospel. How can the church become effective in evangelism? Should we expect to see people coming to Christ on a regular basis?

Over the next several weeks I want to explore with you how we can develop a church strategy and how each one of us can develop a personal strategy to reach people. But, the place we must start is with understanding our context.

Our Field

In 2008 the Healthy Church Group of the California Southern Baptist Convention did a consultation report for the church. The report highlights the demographics of the church field. Two looks at the people around us help us see that the fields are white unto harvest in any direction we look.

In a one mile radius ring from the church live 11,866 people. Of these 9.6% are from birth to 9 years old; 10.4% are teenagers; 19.1% are young adults between 20 and 34 years old; and 33.5% are medium adults 35 to 44 years old.

Within three miles of the church in any direction live 43,988 people. Of these 11% are children; 11.1% are teenagers; 20.5% are young adults; and 28.6% are medium adults.

These are not just statistics. The vast majority are people, precious people, who need a saving relationship with Jesus. If we don't reach them with the Good News who will?

The Challenges

The lost and unchurched of Palm Springs are not unique. They share the characteristics of non-Christians across America.
  • They live further aways from God than ever before.
  • They have less knowledge of the Gospel than ever before.
  • They have less contact with a church or with a Christian than ever before.
  • The majority still say they believe in God, but their concept of God is not the God of the Bible, the God of the crucified and risen Lord Jesus.
  • They are highly resistant to strangers knocking on their doors and invading their personal space.

This is just a brief glimpse of the people that are our field. The question we must ask and the answer we must find is how do we reach many of them. Join me in the weeks ahead as we look for real answers.

Don Dunavant

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Pray for Mercedes Vasquez

Mercedes joins seven others from CBU on an ISP (International Service Project) mission trip to Spain on July 16. For three weeks the team will be working with youth and university students in Madrid. Following the mission portion of the trip, Mercedes will travel to her home in Barcelona to visit with her family for several weeks.
A good way to pray for her and the mission team is Colossians 4:2-4, "Continue steadfast in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving. At the same time, pray also for us, that God may open to us a door for the word, to declare the mystery of Christ . . . that I may make it clear, which is how I ought to speak."