Saturday, May 28, 2011

SPECIAL CONCERT - Sunday - June 5th 11:00am

"LIGHT", a Small Group Vocal Ensemble from Californis Baptist University, will be performing at First Southern Baptist Church of Palm Springs next Sunday, June 5th, at your 11:00am Worship Service. These student-led ensembles feature more contemporary songs and a commitment to ministering through music.
Each summer, Small Groups also travel across the United States on an 8-week concert tour, representing California Baptist University and the School of Music as they sing and minister in churches, schools and even summer camps. Plan on arriving early - seating will go quick!

Friday, May 6, 2011


Mother's Day is one of my favorite holidays because it honors those I love and am thankful for the most.
My mother gave to me and my siblings the greatest gifts: unconditional love, the example of love for Jesus, and the Gospel.  She was deeply involved in our church and taught us not only to love the church but to be a part of ministry.  She prayed with us and for us.  She sacrificed so we could have the little extras.  She disciplined but always in love.  On Mother's Day I am reminded of how blessed I have been to have my mother.

The mother of my children gave to them those things that are the foundations of a life lived unto the Lord.  As I watched her invest her life in her children: reading to them for hours and teaching them early to love Jesus; playing with them; always ready to listen to them; and living as a godly role model; on Mother's Day I am reminded how blessed my children are to have her as their mother.


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Seams of Friendship

All of us have seams of friendships--people we work with, people in our neighborhood, people we meet in areas of special activities, and people we regularly do business with.  We see them often, exchange greetings, and enjoy conversations together.  Those seams of friendship and natural ways to show the love of Jesus, share your story of grace, and help people understand their spiritual need.  Be a real friend and let them see Jesus in you and hear about Jesus from you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Washed Any Feet Lately?

It was the most powerful of sittings. The night before the crucifixion. The upper room. The seder meal that Jesus transforms into the memorial meal, the Lord's Supper. The disciples around the table.  Astonishing...the Lord of God takes a bowl and towel and goes around the table as a servant washing the feet of the disciples.  And then a lesson. "If I am your Lord and Master and I wash your feet, then you ought to wash one another's feet."

Have you washed anyone's feet lately. Washed with forgiveness someone who humanly speaking didn't deserve it?  Washed with grace someone who has been ungracious to you? Washed with love someone who is unloving or unlovely? Washed with the Gospel someone who's life is so stained with sin?


Monday, April 11, 2011

The Fellowship of the Church

The Bible speaks often of the fellowship of the church.  It is more than just getting together socially.  When the Word speaks about fellowship it talks about the fact that we are one in Christ and that we share life together in Him.  We pray for one another.  We bear one another's burdens.  We encourage one another.  We complement one another as we use our spiritual gifts in the ministries of the church.  Fellowship means that we need one another.  None of us can go it alone.

But fellowship also means that we enjoy one another.  I hope you will be a part of the pot-luck dinner this Saturday evening at 5:30.  It will be a time to refresh ourselves in the love of the saints.  Also, David and Emily Rimstead will be our special guest and will update us on their ministry on the UCR campus.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


We are so excited to announce that we've exceeded our goal of $1,100.00 for this year's Annie Armstrong Offering. As of today, we've collected $1,199.00! There's still time to donate to this great effort of supporting our North American Missionaries. Select the offering envelope in the pew on Sunday morning and help of share the gospel to our neighbors!


Join us tonight at 6:30 in the Fellowship Hall as Dr. Don continues his study in the Psalms. This week we'll be looking at Psalm 23. Come prepared to share your experiences with the very popular passage and how it has impacted your life!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Thank You Justin

Along life's way, God brings into our lives people through whom He blesses us in special ways.  Justin Howard is one of those people in my life.  God has blessed me richly week after week through Justin's leadership in musical worship.  His great purpose in worship is the glory of God and the building up of the church.  Each week he helps me truly focus on the wonder of our God.  But, beyond his public leadership in worship, God has blessed me by Justin's humility.  He is a gifted man with a deep mind and many talents, but he exemplifies Micah 6:8, "O man, what is good: and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God."

I am thankful for Justin!  And to Justin I say from the bottom of my heart, "Thank you for being a blessing!"


Thursday, March 17, 2011


Lord, This is the day you have made.  That means much in how I live this day.  I will rejoice and be glad in it as I delight in your presence.  I will be intentional in it to do your purposes.  Open my eyes to the people whose paths I will cross.  Help me live and speak the Gospel clearly.  Make me a friend filled with kindness and care.  Help me love the stranger the way you love me.  Make me a vessel of your compassion to others.  Help me fight selfishness and self-centerdness. Remind me that all I do is to be for your glory.  Amen

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Join us tonight in the Fellowship Hall as Dr. Don Dunavant continues his study in the book of Psalms. Tonight we'll be looking at Psalm 20! Bible Study starts at 6:30pm (no childcare)
Just a reminder - there is NO Choir practice tonight.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


First Southern Baptist Church of Palm Springs has gone "Global!" That's right, we have our own website. Check us out online at There you can listen to any sermons that you've missed, download sermon notes, share prayer request, leave messages for the staff, check up on upcoming events and much more. Share the link with your friends so they know where to find us!

Annie Armstrong Offering

We are well on our way to meeting our church goal of $1,100.00 for this years Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. As of today we've raised $685.00. We only have till the end of the month to meet this goal! Please be in prayer about how you may be apart of this great effort! All proceeds from the Annie Armstrong offering goes to support out North American Missionaries.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

This month starts our focus on the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Our church goal is $1,100.00 and all proceeds will go to support out North American Missionaries. Check out the video below for more information.

Sunday, February 27, 2011


OUR GOAL $1,100.00

Why give to the Annie Armstrong Offering?  Because three out of four people in the United States are lost.  One hundred percent of what is given through the Easter Offering goes to support the 5,000 missionaries in the US and Canada.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


Dr. Chis Morgan, Professor of Theology at CBU, will be our guest for a Bible Conference on "The Glory of God" March 26-27.  Make your plans to be a part of this exciting journey into God's Word.  Share the news and invite others to join us.

Dr. Don Dunavant is back in the pulpit this Sunday Morning continuing his series on the Book of Colossians. He'll be looking at Colossians 2:6-16 this weekend as he focuses on "Keeping the Faith." We know you'll want to be there to pick up where he left off two weeks ago.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Houston Robinson Preaching this Sunday

I will be out of town this weekend. In my absence Houston Robinson will be preaching Sunday morning. We are so thankful for the way that Houston has jumped in with a servant heart.. He take the multi-media ministry to a new level. There are so many things he does behind the scenes. I am excited about him opening up the Word of God Sunday!



In 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Paul wrote about the attitude we are to have in hearing the word of God preached, "And we also thank God continually for this, that when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers."

I ran across this advise for how we should hear the Word of God:

1. Expectantly--"Lord, I expect you to speak."
2. Hungrily--"Lord, I need you to speak."
3. Attentively--"Lord, I will listen when you speak."
4. Faithfully-"Lord, I believe when you speak."
5. Obediently--"Lord, I will obey when you speak."

These are good guides for how we should pray from our hearts when we gather around the Word. It is for us to fine-tune our spiritual senses so that we are able to hear the Lord amidst all the noise of the world.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Applied Theology Students

Each spring I teach a class for freshmen in the Applied Theology Program (BAT program) called "Church Observation." A part of the course is taking them to visit different churches and helping them to see biblical ministry. This past Sunday I took them to visit St. Stephens Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Anthony Dockery (Dr. Dockery in the Chairman of CBU's Trustees this year). Thank you for the way you support these young men preparing for the ministry through your prayers, Cooperative Program giving, and special gifts.

Friday, February 4, 2011


Here is an update I receive Friday from Mounir Malaty, pastor of the First Baptist Church of Cairo. Would you set aside a speical time each day to prary for Pastor Mounir, his family, his church, and the other Baptist and evangelical pastors in Egypt?

Don Dunavant

Mounir Sobhy Yacoub Malaty February 4 at 3:25pm Report

Dear friends,
Greetings from Cairo!
Thank you very much for your prayers and willingness to follow up what we are going through as a church and help us. Your care means a lot to us. It was such an encouraging reminder for us that we are not alone but a part of God’s one family.
The Situation
“The assembly was in confusion: Some were shouting one thing, some another. Most of the people did not even know why they were there... people ... cannot tell their right hand from their left.” (Acts 19:32; Jonah 4: 11) This is a summary of what we have witnessed in Egypt in the last ten days. From here, you can sense very easily “a spirit of confusion ... Egypt staggers in all its deeds” (Isaiah 19: 14)
I have to admit here that as a church we were not able to sense or predict the situation correctly and so we were not prepared to help our people interact. One of the lessons for us is to watch more insightfully through the events and try to analyze well to be able to read things and ask the Lord for a message for our people.
The Story from Our Side:
I am not going to write what you have read in the news but I am going to reflect on what we as a church have been through.
The beginning was on Tuesday Jan 25. It began with a group of young people on facebook calling for political change. It started peacefully but numbers increased and the police could not stop them. Then criminals started looting and burning shops, courts, police stations and other institutions (two of our church members lost a shop they owned in one of the centres). Then, the army was ordered to step in.
When things got worse on Thursday we were on a church retreat that was supposed to end Saturday evening. It seems that the Lord was preparing us for the tough time. The theme was “Abide” John 15: 14 which came as a part of the year’s theme, “Steadfastness & Growth”, given to us by the Lord near the end of the year to have for 2011. The Lord was calling us to see all the afflictions and pressures we are going through as gateways for growth.
Then the afternoon curfew was imposed on Friday and God led us to leave “wadi Natroon”, 130 kilometres from Cairo on Saturday morning. We could not reach the bus driver that was supposed to come and pick us as the cell phone service was cut by the government. God made a miracle as we managed to rent microbuses to take us home. Right after that, the prison, close to the retreat canter, was attacked with most Egyptian prisons, and the prisoners ran away and filled the road and scared those on their way to Cairo a few hours after we arrived safely. We really praise the Lord for his guidance and protection.
Due to the curfew, all our evening services were cancelled. So, we decided to hold a prayer meeting every day from 11:30-1:30, before the curfew time. I asked the congregation to share how they feel during the crisis. It was a way to help us expose our negative feelings and pray that the Lord may heal us. The answers were very similar and I will share what they came up with for you:
“We were scared! “
“My kids panicked! “
“I was totally confused! “
“The whole thing was a shock for me! “
“It was like a difficult test for me! “
“I heard too many rumours that scared me!”
“I was worried about my family and did not know what to do! “
“We were distracted! “
“I totally collapsed! “
If the above described the feelings of believers, you can imagine how bad the feelings of non-believers were.

Then, I asked them to share with what they think God was saying to them or what they have learned during the crisis. They came up with very deep insights that I did not hear from them during other times of relaxation. :
“I remembered what Nehemiah did when he heard the bad news about the destruction of his city and I repented and wept!”
“I recognized that in this hard time I should not think about my own needs but think of who my God is (psalm 63)!”
“I recognized why the Lord has led our church in this year’s theme ... so that no one would be unsettled by these trials.”(1Thessolonians 3:3)
“I feel that the Lord is calling each one of us to be “a watchman for the people.” (Ezekiel 33:7) It is time for us to stop being selfish and go out to encourage those who are afraid”
“The church is safe. Even if we have one loaf of bread, we will share it.”
“We have to rebuke the spirit of chaos and confusion.”
“It is time for believers to test their principles and values.”
“It is time for us to be silent and let God speak.”
“Morning is coming” (Isaiah 21: 12)
How different is the way believers see things. It encouraged me a lot that although everybody in the country sees the sad part of the story only, God blessed his people with a different way to see things.
A Good Side
One of the positive things that we gained through these tough days was getting closer with our Muslim neighbours. After the police disappeared and the chaos started, we had to stand together to watch and protect our homes and neighbourhoods and that was the first time after years of tension between Muslims and Christians. I see this as a good door opened for us to help and serve our neighbours. We have been living together for hundreds of years through which the gap has increased. We see the crisis as a bridge for us to reach them.
Pray for us!!
Whether President Mubarak stays until the end of this term in September or not is a question today. However, a more important question for us is,” who will come after him? ”Please see this as an urgent prayer request. Pray that the leadership that comes after Mubarak will give more freedom for the Egyptian church and grant us the right to carry on the great commission freely and plant and new build churches without the restrictions that had been imposed on us. Pray that we may have wisdom to discern when and how to interact with the government in the coming period.
Thank God for guarding his church and keeping us safe throughout the entire crisis. Even the attack on the Orthodox Church on the New Year’s Eve, which was tragic and disastrous, was used by God to waken up the church.
Pray that the Lord might enable us as a church to restore and maintain our vision. The church has a lot to do in the coming weeks. There is a lot of destruction is the country. We need to be positive and active in our communities and serve our people practically to rebuild and restore which will also need a lot of funds to accomplish.
A lot of Egyptian families lost a lot and it is our time to step and help. Pray for us to receive a special power and direction from the Lord to help and comfort them. The coming days are a golden chance for us to interact with people.
Pray that the Lord may complete his healing for his wounded children from fear and all the negative feelings mentioned above. Pray that we might also be able to support and encourage even those outside the church as they are in real hunger for this.

In His Service,
Mounir& Elham S. Y. Malaty
Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Cairo

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Doug Metzgar will be preaching this next Sunday. I will be taking the freshman BAT student on a church observation visit. Doug and Leslie are back in California for a few weeks visiting their son. It is such a joy to welcome them back to First Sourthern Baptist Church Palm Springs!

Sunday Worship

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


As we have been going through the book of Colossians on Sunday mornings, it is important to keep the big picture of the book in view. Paul exalts the supremacy of Christ as the very center of the faith. This Sunday morning we will be looking at one of the great Christological passages, Colossians 1:15-23. It is a passage so rich that it will take us two or three weeks to work through. I want to encourage you to read the passage over several times this week both carefully and prayerfully. In everything Jesus is to have the pre-eminence!


Thursday, January 13, 2011


When Don Jerge call this past Monday evening with the news that because of sudden medical problems he would not be able to be here in view of a call this weekend and that the knee replacements would take months, my first concern was encouraging him in the Lord. My second concern was of course the church and the Pastor Search Committee. There is disappointment all around. But, deeper than any human disappointment there is the truth of the providence of God. He is in control and as the heavens are higher than the earth so are His thoughts higher than our thoughts and His ways higher than our ways. There are many things in the moment that we cannot understand, but we know that our God is never surprised, never is mistaken and that His purposes are perfect. The providence of God calls us to lay aside our anxieties and be still and know that He is God. The providence of God calls us to seek wisdom and discernment in His will. The providence of God gives sure faith that what God does is for our good and His glory.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Letter From the Pastor Search Committee

The following letter was spent to the church family this week:

Dear Church Members and Friends,

Your Pastor Search Committee have been meeting regularly for the past year. After much prayer we have been led to announce to the the Committee has invited Pastor Don Jerge to come and preach on Sunday, January 16, 2011 at the 11:00 Worship hour in view of a call.

Following the Worship hour there will be a Business Meeting in order to vote on calling Pastor Jerge. We have budgeted $53,000.00 as a salary package for our new Pastor.

There will be a Fellowship on Saturday, January 15 at 5:00 p.m. All church members and friends are invited to attend. At that time our church members and friends will have the opportunity to eat, mingle and get to know Pastor Jerge and his wife, Linda.

Please join us on January 15th and 16th ready to start a new journey that our Lord has set before us.

You may call the church office, 760-327-7800 to let us know if you will be able to attend the Fellowship time Saturday evening.

In Christ,
Ruby Berdan, Barbara Keylon, Barbara Ratliff
Your Pastor Search Committee

E-mail from David & Emily Rimestad

Ministry at UCR has been so incredible! Our Lord has been moving especialliy in the hearts of the young men on the Baseball Team. Most of the players are on major scholarships and some have already been approed by the major leagues! Needless to say these students are going to be major influencers.

We have a great opportunity to take eight guts up to Big Bear for our first ever winter discipleship retreat for the Baseball Team. We will be leaving today and we return Sunday afternoon.

Please join us in prayer:

1. Ask God to move abundantly in the hearts of these students as our guest speakers (Brian Zunigha & Josh De La Rosa) speak on: Lordship, the Word, Prayer, Evangelism, and the importance of a church family (Eph. 1:17-18).

2. Ask God to grant these young men a time of refreshment, growth, and encouragement through His Word and our time spent together this weekend )Col. 2:6-7).

3. Ask God to grant vision and firmness of faith so that these men may be encouraged and ready to go back to UCR and start doing ministry among their peers on the Baseball Team (1 Cor. 15:58).

We are grateful for all of you and your prayers,

David & Emily

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Voting and Church Business

We as Baptist believe in the congregational form of church government. No one tells a local Baptist church what to do. Each church by congregational vote makes its own decisions. Congregationalism is based on the "priesthood of the believer" the biblical truth that each one of us has direct access to God.

But, it is important to understand what the priesthood of the believer and thus the congregational form of church government really means. It does not mean that each is free to vote according to their individual preferences or opinions. It does not simply mean that the majority rules. We believe that Jesus is Lord and the only Head of the church. As believer priest we vote out of a deep conviction of the Lord's leading. When you vote on church business, what you are saying to the rest of the church that you have spent much time seeking the Lord through the Word and prayer to find wisdom and discernment in His will. And you are saying that your vote is an expression of your conviction of what you believe with all of your heart to be the will of God for your church.